Now many items 2 for the price of 1

You order and pay for 1 item but receive 2. Take advantage of this temporary promotion.

Memories Scrapbook Set - scrap3154
610-1010 - Foam Tape - 2mm dik
Wenskaarten Doosjes - wk-edd1 en 2
Deco Vlies Vellen – DVS-1001t/m1005
Crepepapier   - CP-109
Maxi Kaarten  - MK-101 t/m MK-103
KB-IRI01 Iriserend Karton Pakje
EMB-3743 Embellishment Assorti Doosje
SKP-001 Top-Voordeel - Sticker Knutsel Pakket
Presentatie Ophangmap - PM-001